Con Brio School of Music
Con Brio {Italian}; With brilliance and spirit.
Based in Sydney, Australia, the Con Brio School of music is an institution set to redefine the current standards of music education. It aims to converge trainees of the highest musical certifications, to teach students towards internationally recognised standards, and to do so at affordable and competitive prices.
As the Con Brio School of music grows, it aims to expand into organising large musical events, concerts, and showcases, ultimately gaining international prestige and recognition.
All of our students are run through the Australian Musical Examination Board (AMEB) gaining internationally recognised certificates and are offered performance positions in student concerts, events and eisteddfods each year to build confidence and self-esteem, as well as creating opportunities to win awards and have recognition/familiarity within the arts industry.
At the Con Brio School of Music, we are passionate for our students to succeed, and strive for nothing less than to aid in the creation of some of the best musicians the world has to offer.