Ken Li

Piano | Theory

  • Licentiate Diploma AMEB (LMusA) - Piano

  • Associate Diploma AMEB (AMusA) - Piano

  • HSC Encore - Selected performer

Ken is a highly accomplished performer and teacher. He has received both his Associate Diploma (AMusA) and Licentiate Diploma (LMusA) from the AMEB at a very young age. As a part of the board of studies music HSC program, Ken was selected as one of 12 performers from the entire NSW Year 12 HSC music cohert to perform at “ENCORE” held at the Opera House. This is a result of Ken’s outstanding performance in his HSC music exam. Through the ‘Con Brio Method’ Ken has consistently won numerous national eisteddfods every year, achieve the highest results in his piano exams and ultimately being invited to perform at “ENCORE”. Ken has received praise from all his music teachers, piano mentors and even A.M.E.B examiners.

As a piano mentor, Ken has undertaken thorough and extensive pedagogy training under Peter Wang. Ken is knowledgable in the ‘Con Brio Method’, this combined with his passion for teaching has facilitated for exceptional results from his students.